

32nd Annual Ram Sale

Monday 13th October 2025

250 Flock & Selected Rams

About us

Owned and family operated by Mary Burzacott & Michael Emery. The terminal sire studs; Mulgundawa Poll Dorsets and Richmond Park White Suffolks currently mate 720 ewes and sell over 250 stud and flock rams in their annual ram sale in October.

The studs are run in conjunction with a self replacing merino ewe flock, beef cows mated to Charolais bulls, cereal hay, grain and Faba bean production. Land area is approximately 3 thousand acres near Mount Benson and Robe in the Limestone Coast of South Australia.


Our Studs

Servicing the prime lamb industry since 1948 we are committed to breeding a sound selection of rams, whose lambs will thrive in any production system and suit all ewe types.

We work towards a balance between performance recorded traits and conformation. While the entire drop is performance measured only sheep with the constitution suitable to produce breeders are retained for use in the studs. Maintaining good structure, hindquarters, length and clean points along with a profitable balance of growth, muscling and fat enabling us to offer you a high quality selection of terminal sires.


Poll Dorsets

Richmond Park

White Suffolks

Annual Sale

Our sale details, catalogues, studs on offer and previous sale results.


We are committed to maintaining high standards of animal health across our flock.


Est. 1948

Contact us

Michael Emery 0429 686243

Mary Burzacott 08 87686243, 0400 682149

Email emburz@bigpond.com


Current photos and what’s been happening recently at Mulgundawa & Richmond Park studs.